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Quiet Music Ensemble at Heroines of Sound

QME will premier three Irish compositions at the renowned Berlin festival

11 July - 13 July


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Image courtesy Quiet Music Ensemble

Image courtesy Quiet Music Ensemble

Quiet Music Ensemble will present the German premieres of works by three Irish and one British composer at Berlin’s Heroines of Sound festival in July 2024. All of the works were commissioned by Quiet Music Ensemble. ‘we return to ground’ is a collaborative work with music by Karen Power, dance by Mary Nunan and video by Atoosa Pour Hosseini. British composer and installation artist Kathy Hinde’s ‘Acts of Balancing and Unbalancing’ features beautiful sonic sculptures with which QME’s performers interact. Murray’s ‘Aioi: leaves laden with words’ is inspired by Noh theatre, and Geaney’s Hahnemühle explores the beautiful and sensuous sonorities available from artist paper.

Heroines of Sound is one of Berlin’s most renowned festivals, dedicated to the work of outstanding female artists. Established in 2014, it has carved a unique and valuable space in the international musical community, and created networks across the world with a wide range of individuals, ensembles, festivals and organisations.
Quiet Music Ensemble is a unique Irish ensemble dedicated to improvised and experimental music with a distinctly contemporary approach. It has been dedicated since its beginning to commissioning and performing the work of female sonic artists. This will be QME’s second major appearance in Germany.

Quiet Music Ensemble’s music creates a tantalising and intimate sonic space; a bubble of profound personal experience with and through sound. Its dedicated musicians and sound engineer, some of Ireland’s most remarkable, have worked together to create a unique way of engaging with sound that is creative, contemplative and liberating.

QME is a unique Irish group that specialises in experimental and improvised musics. Founded in 2008, the ensemble has performed in significant venues and festivals in Ireland, USA, UK, Germany and Poland and has been broadcast worldwide. Its repertoire comes from engagement with artists of many disciplines as well as improvised responses to the natural and artificial worlds that surround us. The group has commissioned and premiered works by composers and sound artists such as Pauline Oliveros, Karen Power, Alvin Lucier, David Toop, Jennifer Walshe, Michael Pisaro, Kathy Hinde, Marianthi Papalexandri-Alexandri, Danny McCarthy, Mick O’Shea, Irene Murphy, Anna Murray, Heather Frasch and many more. QME’s first CD release with Farpoint Recordings consisted of world premiere recordings of works by Oliveros, Lucier, Toop and Godfrey. In 2024, there will be 5 major new releases by QME on Other Minds (double CD of works composed for QME by Karen Power), Farpoint Recordings (3 releases of works by Irish, American, German and British composers) and Diatribe (two works by Jennifer Walshe).



Holzmarktstr. 33

10243 Berlin

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